Which pizzeria is the best?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Exit Pass 1/6/13

The sources that might be used can be opposing view points, sub-catergories, articles, news, cartoons/ graphics. For example, I used cartoons to talk about internet safety/privacy especially on Facebook.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Exit Pass 12/18/13

My questions about social networking definitely will fulfill my assignment because my questions are based off of my topic of social networking. This is because I have done my research, I know what I want to talk about and what facts or what topics will lead into my answering of my essential questions. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Exit Pass 12/16/13

Visit my website ^^^

My questions based off on social networking can definitely be answered through my articles, assumptions and textual evidence I have gathered throughout the course of this class. Because of my developing questions, at the point I am at now, I am able toy answer my questions by using textual evidence, personal experiences and interviewing other individuals, as well. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Exit Pass 12/11/13

Throughout  my research, I expect to find different perspectives on what social networking is to others. Is it an addiction in modern society? Is it bad for the future? I expect to find these answers through my research and expansion on my topic of social networking. Also, I expect to learn more about the topic and go into depth on how it came about.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Exit Pass 12/9/13

The reason why I'm doing this research is because I feel like this topic has always been a topic up in my head. Also, reading articles about this topics is entertaining to me due to viewing all the new viewpoints and stances on things. Also, I feel like since our society is becoming more modernized, it is good to understand the positive and negative affects of new technology and how social networking places into this.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Exit Ticket 12/4/13

An intriguing question I have about my topic of social networking is how it has affected teenagers, but also older folks?

How has social networking affected the death penalty?
Is social networking safe for individuals?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Exit Pass 12/2/13

I am very interested in my topic of social networking because my topic can tie into cyberbullying, media, etc. I am able to view pros and cons of social networking and how it advanced throughout history. Also, how social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter has influenced individuals in society and changed society, as well.