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Monday, September 23, 2013

College Research Skills

• What did you already know of the material presented in the lesson?
-I already knew how to make a blog and decorate it.
• What did you learn? What material was new to you? What were the three most important things you learned in today’s lesson/independent practice?
-I learned I can make blog list and add news posts that changes daily.• What did you understand most/least about today’s lesson and independent practice?
-What I understood most is decorating my blog. What I understood least how to add people to my blog list.• What would you like to know more about the material?
-I would like to know how to put music into my blog.• What questions do you still have?
-What are we going to do with the blogs we made?• How is the information you learned applicable to your other class assignments? How is this class helping you with research in your other classes?
-This applicable to my other assignments to teach me ways around blogs and I can make that for advisory. This class is helping me know the difference between good websites and fake websites.• How is this class different from any others you've taken in high school?
-This class is more fun and it allows my creative fuel to come out!• How is this class the same as any others you've taken in high school?
-We still get graded and have to do "do nows" and "aims"• What did you learn from reading someone else’s blog? Did it help you write your own blog entry?
-I learned what's different about them and their interest.• If there was a reading assignment, what did you learn from the reading assignment? What did you not understand? What prior knowledge did you bring to the reading material?
-There wasn't any.• Did you have a need for information today? If so, how did you go about finding it?
-I just needed help to add certain things to my blog. I asked my teacher, Ms. Sarles.

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