Which pizzeria is the best?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Some Additional Questions

  • What are you thirsting to learn? Why?
  • What connections did you make between today’s lesson and your own personal experiences?
  • What was an idea/ experience that came up today that you think should be “trashed”? Why?
  • What was the most important thing you learned today? Why was it important? How was it the same as or different from what you already knew?
  • What was the CORE IDEA of the whole lesson? What makes it “core”? How did it relate to what you already know?
  • What were some general things you learned today? specific things? How were they the same as or different from what you already know?
  • What were some reactions you had to the information we addressed today (e.g., surprises, conflicts, regrets? joys? etc.)?
  • What did you notice about your thinking when working on the hands-on activity?
  • When did you realize that you could use other resources to help solve your information need? When did you realize that you needed other resources?
  • How did you go about evaluating....? What did you focus on when evaluating?
  • What evidence can you offer that shows your commitment to being accurate? seeking accuracy?
  • What evidence can you offer that shows your commitment to being clear? seeking clarity?
  • What evidence can you offer that shows stick-to-it-ness (persistence) even when the task was hard or unclear?
  • When did you want to give up? What did you do to prevent it?
  • How did others’ ideas differ from yours? How were differences discussed/addressed?

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