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Friday, October 25, 2013

Make Up Blogs

When was the last time you were assigned a research project?
-The last time I was assigned a research paper was this semester for AP Biology on the Respiratory System. Also, the last time I actually wrote a research paper was last year in AP English about personality disorders in psychology.

 In what subject was it? What did you do? 
-AP Biology- Respiratory system
-AP English- Borderline Personality Disorder in the topic of psychology.

How did you feel about it? What did you think about it? Was it hard? Easy? Interesting? Boring? A burden? A joy? What was your project about? Did your teacher give you a choice of topics or was a topic assigned to you? 
-For my research paper in AP English, I felt as if it was a lot of work and very time consuming. It was really stressful and at times I wanted to give up, but I didn't. My project was about Borderline Personality Disorder and how different personalities affect an individual and how to determine if a person specifically has this disorder. My teacher gave us a few ideas and options on what to write about, but if we had our own idea we were able to go further on with that topic. (ex. Dreaming)

• What did you learn today (last week)?
-Last week, I was able to expand my learning about social networking, teen driving, cyberbullying, homework, and marijuana legalization. I learned people are arguing to legalize marijuana, but how it can affect the economy and the health of many individuals. In addition, cyberbullying has caused thousands of children to go into depression or suicide due to others bullying them through social networking. I learned how social networking has a tie into cyber bullying and its effects.

• What still puzzles you?
The only thing still puzzling me is the topic of homework, and how exactly would schools abolish homework. Also, how will it positively affect students, or negatively?

• What did you accomplish in class?
- In class, I was able to accomplish all my hooks for each topic and was able to finally complete Activity 1 with all its parts correctly.
What did you notice about your thinking when working on the hands-on activity?
-When working with hands on activities, I am able to expand my critical thinking rather than rely on knowledge given to me. I was able to come up with my own stance and perspective on each topic, and how they would relate to me.

When did you realize that you could use other resources to help solve your information need? 
-I realized I could use other resources by searching through SIRS Researcher on the library website and press certain links to find perspectives, articles etc. They were very helpful in my discoveries of each topic.

When did you realize that you needed other resources?
-I realized I needed more sources, not just because it was assigned to me, but when I ran out of ideas to presents and felt as if I was repeating myself. 

How did you go about evaluating....? What did you focus on when evaluating?
-When evaluating, I focused on perspectives and analysis. I took what articles and individuals said and analyzed that to make a conclusion or a stance.

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