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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Make up Blogs 2

What are you thirsting to learn and why?Whatever you are thirsting to learn DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ABOUT THIS CLASS. It can be about absolutely anything from skateboarding to horses to Monopoly to Zoology. You are to write a 3-paragraph descriptive essay on what it is you are dying to learn about maybe in college, in life, or in the final months of high school.

    What I'm thirsting to learn varies amongst many things. I think as teenagers especially seniors, many students can agree with me that our minds are in many different places. At this moment what I'm thirsting to learn about is college. It's not a cliche topic I'm trying to think about, I'm just really curious about what life will be like in only a few months. Everyday I think to myself.. What will the future bring to me?

    College so far has been the main focus for me and my life at the moment. I wonder what new things I will learn in college, who I will meet, what experiences I will encounter. Everyday is a learning experience for me and for everyone. I'm thirsting to learn how college feels like. I'm almost there, just so close. College is everyone's best years of their lives besides high school. This is where I will grow as a student, athlete, and person. As I take up Nursing in college, the workload will be quite heavy, but I am excellent at time management. I wonder how people adjust to college, especially if they're dorming. Dorming scares me a little but it also makes me excited. My plan is to dorm and it will be hard to finally leave home and be on my own.

     I believe my qualities as a person will help me enjoy my college experience. It can't be too bad from high school right? I get to pick my classes and I don't have 6 hours of classes straight? THAT'S GREAT TO ME! I get to relax for a little and take a nap if I please. All I know is that college will be an ''eye-opener'' for me. A lot will change.

1 comment:

  1. All of this is true Clarissa. College will be a wonderful experience for you.
