Which pizzeria is the best?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Exit Ticket 11.27.13

I know a vast amount of information for my topic of social networking. I know the pros, cons, and history behind it. I know how it has affected individuals and groups of people. Also, how it has helped in modernizing society and its people. Social networking is a topic that can be greatly stretched out and can add new information and stories each day, hour, minute. Through this knowledge, I am able to make a website (weebly) that will give information to individuals who don't have as much knowledge.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Exit Ticket 11/25/13

I already know background information about my topic on Social Networking because it deals with positive and negative effects it has on society and individuals. I have found that through different types of resources like newspapers, cartoons, articles, and viewpoints that many social networking sites vary. This background information helps me in creating a website for my specific topics and to expand on it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Exit Ticket 11/20/13

I already know that there are positive and negative effects due to social networking. I think I know there are many consequences when using social networking. I know Twitter, YouTube and Facebook has been a media phenomenal throughout history that has changed communication and interactions in many varies ways.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Writing prompt for blog due 11/18/13

There are many things that confuse me. As a teenage student, society has made me second guess many things. Because of this, I have different perspectives on my key ideas. One main thing that confuses me is what happens to life after death? What does happen when we pass, is the white light real?

There are many different conspiracies to what happens after death. I do believe in God, and I do believe there is a heaven and a hell. However, there is a confusion to what exactly goes on after dying. This is a difficult topic to discuss because not many people want to talk about death. But in some way, we have to sooner or later. 

All that confuses is me, is what will happen to me when it's time when I'm much much older. It's hard to think about, but I believe there is a greater good, that there is hope, and that there is an everlasting peace. It's hard to think about it at my age especially with suicides, cyberbullying, self harm, etc. It's a very confusing and difficult topic to touch upon.

Makeup Blog - Learner

Everyone learns differently. You are to write a 3-paragraph descriptive essay on your blog and call it "How I Learn." Here are the different learning styles that have been identified by a Harvard researcher:

1) Kinesthetic - body smart - use of body and body movement to learn

Many people learn in different ways. Individuals interpret different things in their own way. Myself, as a learner is Kinesthetic. This meaning I am body smart and understand body language very well. Through this a reader will notice what kind of a learner I am.

I am a kinesthetic learner in many ways. The main reason I believe in this is because I am  dancer. For 14 years I have been involved in dance, in addition track and basketball as other sports. As a dancer, I was able to learn different dance moves within a matter of a few hours or weeks. I learned a lot about body language and how to communicate through that. 

I was able to incorporate being body smart, by how people act towards me rather than there words. This is important because it helps me be street smart, people smart, and book smart. I'm able to connect to people and emotions especially through dance. When I study, I especially try to create moves that would help me remember a certain concept. (ex. hand gestures) Through this I am able to be a kinesthetic learner and incorporate that through education.

Exit Ticket 11/18/13

Social Networking-

What interests me about social networking is that many people use social networking on a daily basis. For some it has become a lifestyle, without using "twitter" or "Facebook" for a few hours make people feel lost. Without internet connection in order to go on social networking makes people thrive off those sites. This is what interest me at how so many individuals are dependent on these factors.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Make up Blogs 2

What are you thirsting to learn and why?Whatever you are thirsting to learn DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ABOUT THIS CLASS. It can be about absolutely anything from skateboarding to horses to Monopoly to Zoology. You are to write a 3-paragraph descriptive essay on what it is you are dying to learn about maybe in college, in life, or in the final months of high school.

    What I'm thirsting to learn varies amongst many things. I think as teenagers especially seniors, many students can agree with me that our minds are in many different places. At this moment what I'm thirsting to learn about is college. It's not a cliche topic I'm trying to think about, I'm just really curious about what life will be like in only a few months. Everyday I think to myself.. What will the future bring to me?

    College so far has been the main focus for me and my life at the moment. I wonder what new things I will learn in college, who I will meet, what experiences I will encounter. Everyday is a learning experience for me and for everyone. I'm thirsting to learn how college feels like. I'm almost there, just so close. College is everyone's best years of their lives besides high school. This is where I will grow as a student, athlete, and person. As I take up Nursing in college, the workload will be quite heavy, but I am excellent at time management. I wonder how people adjust to college, especially if they're dorming. Dorming scares me a little but it also makes me excited. My plan is to dorm and it will be hard to finally leave home and be on my own.

     I believe my qualities as a person will help me enjoy my college experience. It can't be too bad from high school right? I get to pick my classes and I don't have 6 hours of classes straight? THAT'S GREAT TO ME! I get to relax for a little and take a nap if I please. All I know is that college will be an ''eye-opener'' for me. A lot will change.