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Monday, November 18, 2013

Makeup Blog - Learner

Everyone learns differently. You are to write a 3-paragraph descriptive essay on your blog and call it "How I Learn." Here are the different learning styles that have been identified by a Harvard researcher:

1) Kinesthetic - body smart - use of body and body movement to learn

Many people learn in different ways. Individuals interpret different things in their own way. Myself, as a learner is Kinesthetic. This meaning I am body smart and understand body language very well. Through this a reader will notice what kind of a learner I am.

I am a kinesthetic learner in many ways. The main reason I believe in this is because I am  dancer. For 14 years I have been involved in dance, in addition track and basketball as other sports. As a dancer, I was able to learn different dance moves within a matter of a few hours or weeks. I learned a lot about body language and how to communicate through that. 

I was able to incorporate being body smart, by how people act towards me rather than there words. This is important because it helps me be street smart, people smart, and book smart. I'm able to connect to people and emotions especially through dance. When I study, I especially try to create moves that would help me remember a certain concept. (ex. hand gestures) Through this I am able to be a kinesthetic learner and incorporate that through education.

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