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Monday, November 18, 2013

Writing prompt for blog due 11/18/13

There are many things that confuse me. As a teenage student, society has made me second guess many things. Because of this, I have different perspectives on my key ideas. One main thing that confuses me is what happens to life after death? What does happen when we pass, is the white light real?

There are many different conspiracies to what happens after death. I do believe in God, and I do believe there is a heaven and a hell. However, there is a confusion to what exactly goes on after dying. This is a difficult topic to discuss because not many people want to talk about death. But in some way, we have to sooner or later. 

All that confuses is me, is what will happen to me when it's time when I'm much much older. It's hard to think about, but I believe there is a greater good, that there is hope, and that there is an everlasting peace. It's hard to think about it at my age especially with suicides, cyberbullying, self harm, etc. It's a very confusing and difficult topic to touch upon.

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